• Prevents anemia during diseases

  • Fast recovery from anemic condition

  • Prevents Haemolysis

  • Improves Haemoglobin level

  • Improves oxygen level in blood

  • Ideal growth promoter and production enhancer

  • Birds exhibit bright red comb and wattle

Lack of red blood cells or haemoglobin causes anemia in poultry.

  • Blood is a constantly circulating body fluid providing the body cells with nutrients, oxygen, and helps in waste removal. In some pathological conditions this fluid shows less number of red blood cells or haemoglobin, the condition known as anemia. Viral diseases like Chicken infectious anemia, Newcastle disease, Inclusion body hepatitis show anemia in chicken. Coccidiosis, heat stroke and certain toxicities like aflatoxicosis also results in lack of red blood cells. PHYTOFERRUM enhances the production of red blood cells or haemoglobin in poultry.

How does PHYTOFERRUM work

  • PHYTOFERRUM prevents destruction of red blood cells and white blood cells

  • It increases the haemoglobin count in red blood cells, thus preventing anemia and thrombocytopenia

  • Improved oxygen uptake ability helps to increase oxygen levels in the blood

  • Ionised minerals - iron, zinc, cobalt and copper helps in erythropoiesis

  • 1 Enhances production of red blood cells
    (Extracts of Erythroxylum coca and Ionic copper)

  • 2 Increases haemoglobin level in red blood cells
    (Extracts of Beta vulgaris, Spinacia oleracea and Ionic iron)

  • 3 Prevents destruction of red blood cells and white blood cells
    (Extracts of Moringa oleifera)

  • 4 Improved oxygen uptake ability helps to increase oxygen levels in the blood
    (Extracts of Aspidosperma)

Proof of performance

Recommended to use in

  • Anemia

  • Viral diseases

  • Bacterial diseases

  • Coccidiosis

  • Dysentery

  • Toxicity

  • During antibiotic treatments


(For 7-10 days)

  • Chicks / Growers – 5ml / 100 birds

  • Broilers / Layers – 10ml / 100 birds

  • Breeders – 20ml / 100 birds