Controls body temperature
Prevents heat stroke
Improves productive performance
Controls body temperature
Prevents heat stroke
Improves productive performance
Chicken become heat stressed when they have difficulty in achieving the correct balance between body heat production and loss. When the environmental temperature exceeds, chicken is likely to experience heat stress and exhibit symptoms like elevated wings, panting, pale comb and wattles, less body movements, off feed and increased water consumption. THERMORELIF controls body temperature and protects chicken from heat stroke.
THERMORELIF controls body temperature and reduces inflammation
It has antioxidant activity, neutralizes free radicals and prevents heat stress
It boosts immune response and improves productive performance.
Controls body temperature
(Extracts of Podophyllum)
Neutralizes free radicals
(Extracts of Ruta graveolens)
Boosts immunity
(Extracts of Echinacea angustifolia)
During summer give through feed and water.
In feed - 200g / MT of feed
In water - 10g / 100 birds daily